
Welcome to the Student Worker Website

This will be a great place to find the labs for both 150 and 151 ahead of the students so you can become familiar with them. There will also be various resources that will accrue here as the semester goes on. There are also be sections for graders for both classes.

Lab Helper Hours for Fall 2024

2-4 PMTharcisse & Daniel (King 201)*
Cal, Otto & Arev (King 135/7)
Saida & Natalie (King 201)**
Aisha, Oliver & Megan (King 135/7)
4-6 PMWillow & Cal (King 201)***
Nam, Ezra and Ben R (King 135/7)
Ben T & Ezra (King 201)****
Nam, Willow & Talia (King 135/7)
7-9 PMNam & Cal (King 201)
Eliza & Rohit (King 135/7)
Ben T & Ben R (King 201)****
Otto & Rachel (King 135/7)
Tharcisse & Oliver (King 135/7)
9-11 PMAustin & Rory (King 201)***
Eliza & Marta (King 135/7)
Nam & Tharcisse (King 201)*
Rory & Marta (King 135/7)
Ha & Abby (King 201)**
Otto & Rory (King 135/7)

In addition to your section’s set lab sessions, there are additional times where lab helpers are available in the labs to assist you with any help you might need. The schedule for these additional lab helper times are given in the table above.

Please note that there are special community hours, indicated in the schedule above:

* represents the Students of Color community hours which is intended for students of color in CS

** represents the Femmes in STEM community hours which is intended for female identifying students in CS

*** represents the Queer Students community hours which is intended for students who identify as a part of the queer community.

**** represents CS241 accessible help hours, which are intended for 241 students, but are open to all 150/151/241 students.

Please also note that there are no lab helper hours on Tuesdays or Fridays.

150 / 151 Lab breakdown by week

Week Starting Monday150151
9/2 - 9/8Lab 1NO LAB
9/9 - 9/15Lab 2Lab 1
9/16 - 9/22Lab 3Lab 2
9/23 - 9/29Lab 4Lab 3
9/30 - 10/6Lab 4Lab 4
10/7 - 10/13Lab 5NO LAB
10/14 - 10/20Lab 5NO LAB
10/21 - 10/27 (FALL BREAK)
10/28 - 11/3Lab 6Lab 5
11/4 - 11/10Lab 7Lab 6
11/11 - 11/17Lab 8Lab 7
11/18 - 11/24Lab 9Lab 8
11/25 - 12/1 (THANKSGIVING)Lab 9Lab 9
12/2 - 12/8Final ProjectLab 10
12/9 - 12/14Final ProjectNO LAB