Remaining Tests

Now, we will write tests for the contains method. Since contains returns a boolean, we can use the AssertTrue and AssertFalse checks to test it. In the testContains method, write a test that creates a new Dataset and adds several values, including 3.0 but not including 1.0. Now, try adding the following assertions:


Play around with different values to make sure that your tests are working correctly.

Unfortunately we still have one more buggy method to find!

Implement tests for mean() and median(), then use the debugger to find and fix any bugs.

Recall that the mean of n numbers x1 through xn is (x1 + x2 + … + xn)/n. In contrast, the median of n numbers is the middle value if n is odd and the mean of the two middle values if n is even. E.g., the median of 5, 3, and 100 is 5. The median of 5, 3, 100, and 6 is 5.5.

At this point, all of your tests should pass. Yay!

Committing Your Progress

Don’t forget to frequently save your progress periodically to GitHub using the add, commit, and push commands with git.At this point, you should have submitted your solutions for and