Wrap Up

Congratulations! You have now implemented our third and fourth data structures (the Queue and Stack) and created an application using them to complete your fifth lab of the semester!

Filling Out the README.md

The final task for every lab is to edit the README file in the lab assignment repl. Each week, you’ll be asked to answer three questions regarding collaboration, time spent on the lab, and the Honor Code.

A reminder to make sure you have consulted the Honor Code policy in the course syllabus for information about how to sign the Honor Code and about acceptable collaboration in CSCI 151. Your instructor is also happy to answer any questions about the Honor Code – just let us know.


You must complete the README file in order for your lab to be graded. If your README file has not been completely filled out by the lab due date, you may incur late penalities until it is completed.


Let’s take a moment to make sure that we haven’t missed anything. Below are the items that are required for Lab 5.

Lab ComponentsPoints
Warmup10 points
MyQueue.java14 points
MyQueueTest.java8 points
MyStack.java13 points
MyStackTest.java8 points
MazeSolver.java21 points
MazeSolverQueue.java11 points
MazeSolverStack.java11 points
README.md4 points

Please make sure these files are committed and pushed to your GitHub repository. The teaching team will grade whatever code is in your most recent commit.

You can check information on the repository page, “Feedback” Pull Request, and/or commit history to confirm whether your most recent edits are online.

Lab Error Feedback

If you noticed any mistakes in the lab as you were working through it please fill out this google form to let us know there was an error, so that we can correct it for next semester.